Time limit. Stage Layer-Cake Desert - Stoneslide Tower in New Super Mario Bros Wii. . Spinning Sandstones, or Layer-Cake Desert-6, is the sixth level of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Luigi U. This 100% walkthrough video shows where to find every collectible in. MY LINKS: Main channel: Backup music channel:. World 3: Sparkling Waters. This video shows the location of every coin in this stage. U. U for the Wii U!Welcome to IGN's New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros, U Deluxe, Layer cake desert, Stoneside tower walkthrough,guys welcome to my video, thanks so much. . 32M subscribers Subscribe 235K views. 400 seconds. updated Nov 19, 2012 Spike's Spouting Sands > Piranha Plants on Ice After getting the last star coin, jump up and keep heading to the exit. U. U. New Super Mario Bros. They are orange flying squirrel -like creatures with brown hands and feet,. 12 replies. Completing thi. New Super Mario Bros. U Walkthrough and Guide! Here is the 3 Star Coin Guide for Layer-Cake Desert-4: Spike's Spouting Sands. << Directory of levels >>. Note that every Secret Exit in New Super Luigi U is located in the same level it was in New Super Mario Bros. It features stone platforms that are movable by spinning on wooden screws. PlatformsLayer-Cake Desert. U Deluxe, level Layer Cake Desert - 4, Spike's Spouting Sands, 3 Star CoinsStar Coin 1 - Hard to miss, you'll find it at the top of several rows of blocks. . New Super Mario Bros. 5D platforming game, and a launch title for the Wii U. Facebook: to IGN's New Super Mario Bros. Mahito Yokota. Fun commentary by: HobbyDad and HobbyKids. Just after the first Star Coin should be a Spike waiting inside a small alcove in the hill. Boost Mode in ILs. Skyward Stalk, or Sparkling Waters-, is the secret course of Sparkling Waters in New Super Mario Bros. There's a hidden Vine Block above the Sand Geyser where Spike is standing. Layer-Cake Desert. You will see a Sign pointing to the right and a Spikes enemy. 1 reply. Jump on to. I would strongly recommend 100 percenting the game yourself before running this category. Previous. New Super Mario Bros. U. . show you how to find all 3 Star Coins in Layer Cake Desert - Piranha Plants on Ice!• Follow GameXplain on. . U Deluxe would imply, is a water level. Star Coin 1: The first Star Coin is near the beginning of the level, hanging above a Giant Piranha Plant. U Walkthrough and Guide! Here is the 3 Star Coin Guide for Layer-Cake Desert-4: Spike's Spouting Sands. Its completion skips Soda Jungle and unlocks Rock-Candy Mines and Fuzzy Clifftop . U. 2k more updated Aug 14, 2018 + − View Interactive Map Star Coins Star Coin 1 - Shortly after. U. It can be accessed by completing The Walls Have Eyes using the secret exit. png. Go on a brand new adventure with Fire Mario as he journeys through the Layer Cake Desert! Featuring K'NEX's all new jump disk and launcher that allow Mario t. New Super Mario Bros. Up Next: Layer-Cake. . Acorn Plains 5 – Rise of the Piranha Plants. Rating. U. . . New Super Mario Bros. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators. New Super Mario Bros. Wait until the ice. TheRealMarioMario. show you how to find all 3 Star Coins in Layer Cake Desert-2: Perilous Pokey Cave!• Follow GameXplain on. This will show you how to get all the Star Coins in this lev. In this video we clean-up Acorn Plains and move on to Layer-Cake DessertWorld. U playthrough, with commentaryWorld 2: Layer-Cake DesertLevel. Also shown are shifting head statues, which appear in most of the. Time limit. Layer-Cake Desert Star CoinsNew Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe - Part 4 - 2 Player Walkthrough - Layer Cake Desert [Nintendo Switch]! Please like and subscribe to the channel and hit the b. Nov 18, 2012. Clearing this level gives access to Giant Swing-Along . game. Head all the way past the Checkpoint. I collect all the Star Coins! For Star Coin Locations, see below:Star Coin 1: 0:03Star Coin 2: 0:32Star. . Layer-Cake Desert SECRET. << Directory of levels >>. U. Layer-Cake Desert-3 Fire Snake Cavern. Spike's Spouting Sands, or Layer-Cake Desert-4, is the fourth course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. It is unlocked via the secret exit in Haunted Shipwreck. Wait for it to rise and jump up through it, or do a light ground pound from the top into the. . Welcome to New Super Mario Bros. Perilous Pokey Cave, or Layer-Cake Desert-2, is the second course of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros. Completing this course unlocks Perilous Pokey Cave and Fire. Game: New Super Mario Bros. Layer-Cake Desert; Holes 1-3 4-6 7-9 10-12 13-15 16-18; Mgwtcourse27. Mchan338. U Deluxe is a side-scrolling 2. 100% routes are the same for Mario and Toadette, the main difference between the two is that you need to take a detour as Mario to get a baby Yoshi for the water levels. U for the Nintendo Wii U and today, we try and survive the layer c. Layer-Cake Desert is the second World of New Super Mario Bros. New Super Mario Bros. Slippery Rope Ladders, or Layer-Cake Desert-, is the secret level of Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Luigi U. Oh_Ok0507. This course is unlocked by completing Stoneslide Tower, and completing this level unlocks Blooming Lakitus . Welcome to IGN's New Super Mario Bros. It is an athletic mushroom course with Stone Spikes and moving platforms. U Deluxe for Nintendo Switch, feat Cobanermani456! We play through World 2 Layer-Cake Desert! Subscribe today! course is based off the world of the same name from New Super Mario Bros. . Game. Layer-Cake Desert Overworld music from New Super Mario Bros UPlaylist:. 400 seconds. The wall on the LEFT has a little hole in it. You’ll encounter plenty of Cheep Cheeps, Urchins, Bloopers, and more. Search for anything. New Super Mario Bros. This level is unlocked by completing either. Star Coin 1 - Shortly after entering the cave, past the first ceiling pokey, you will come across an area with 3 sand geysers, a red Koopa Troopa, a Pokey and several floating blocks. Nintendo Switch game with World 2 Layer-Cake Desert and collect all of t. . . Up Next: Layer-Cake Desert-A Piranha Plants on Ice. U. Switch. Knock off the spike and hop onto the block to reach the first Star Coin. Facebook: an image and text based guide: entire playthrough of Acorn Plains, the first world in. . PlatformsStage Layer-Cake Desert - Piranha Plants On Ice in New Super Mario Bros Wii. Facebook: the description!Please leave a Like; your support is appreciated!New Super Mario Bros. Completing thi. UComposers: Shiho Fujii & Mahito YokotaPlatform: Wi. Previous. To get to this. U also features many different branching paths, allowing players to choose which levels to skip and which levels to complete. Tropical Refresher, or Sparkling Waters-2, is the second course of Sparkling Waters in New Super Mario Bros. Speedrun idea: 2 player co OP but player 2 is AFK. 2k more updated Dec 12, 2012 Star Coins Star Coin 1 - Near the beginning of the level you. Star Coin 2 - Later on in the level, past a giant piranha plant, you will find a raised. Hello everyone and welcome to my commentated walkthrough/ let's play of Super Mario Bros. Star Coin 1 - The first star coin will be seen floating above the lava encased in breakable blocks. . One smaller statue on the ground will have Star Coin inside it, so ground pound it to get it. This video shows the location of every coin in this stage. U is a 2012 side-scrolling 2. Full New Super Mario Bros. . Posted 1 year ago. I collect all the Star Coins!For Star Coin Locations, see below:Star Coin 1: 0:23Star Coin 2: 0:36Star Coin 3: 1:03Layer Cake Desert-6, Blooming Lakitus, contains 3 star coins. U - Layer Cake Desert-4 Spike's Spouting Sands Star Coins Guide & Walkthrough GameXplain 1. You will come to a platform with a signpost pointing to. 5D platform game released on the Nintendo Switch worldwide on January 11, 2019. It is based upon Shy Guy Desert from Mario Golf, with the same course layout, with modern changes in the music and design, looking like Layer-Cake Desert from New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe: Layer-Cake Desert: Stoneslide Tower (all star coins)Subscribe To My Channel: video shows off a 100% Walkthrough of World 2 Layer-Cake Desert in New Super Mario Bros U. The second world in New Super Mario Bros. Super Mario Bros U Layer Cake Micro Desert Playset! World of Nintendo Figure UnboxingPuppet Steve LEG0's: to the. U Walkthrough and Guide! Here is the 3 Star Coin Guide for Layer-Cake Desert-Tower: Stoneslide Tower. U. It features several Stone-Eyes and Sand Geysers, and various ice cream cones and a large cake are visible in the background. Facebook: help you track down every Star Coin and Secret Exit in the Layer Cake Desert world of New Super Mario Bros. World 4: Frosted Glacier. U. . Rating. U Deluxe, lying northeast of Layer Cake Desert, Sparkling Waters, and Acorn. Full New Super Mario Bro. U, New Super Luigi U, and New Super Mario Bros. It is a cave consisting of Pokeys, various Sand Geysers and other enemies. U Walkthrough and Guide! Here is the 3 Star Coin Guide for Layer-Cake Desert-A: Piranha Plants on Ice. U. Defeat it and continue walking left to discover a hidden area with the. Pick it up and continue towards the end of the level. It is unlocked via completion of Stone-Eye Zone, and its own completion unlocks Stoneslide. U. World 1: Acorn Plains. This video shows the location of every coin in this stage. Commandeer Lakitu`s cloud. Top Guide Sections. Last post 3 months ago. Playthrough of New Super Mario Bros. << Directory of levels >>. Level 2 of Layer-Cake Desert in NSMBU. Read the description!Please leave a Like; your support is appreciated!***New Super Mario Bros. World 2: Layer-Cake Desert. Deluxe for the Switch!Be sure to subscribe to NintendoCentral. . . Super Mario Brain Break is a fitness related video in which you will act out what Mario does on screen along with Mr. Nintendo EAD. Layer Cake Desert 4 The Walls Have Eyes;Stage Layer-Cake Desert-6 Blooming Lakitus in New Super Mario Bros Wii. Games Forums Support More. World 2, also known as Layer-Cake Desert, is the standard accompanying desert world to any Mario game - quicksand, dark caves, stone temples and towers, and. / New Super Luigi U (2013) Super Mario Series. U Deluxe Part 2! We begin our New Super Mario Bros. U and New Super Luigi U, and is unlocked after completing the Acorn Plains. U Deluxe is the Layer-Cake Desert. . *Re-upload* The difficulty in this world is okay, until you get to the castle. Welcome back to New Super Mario Bros. Leaderboards. This World consists of mainly desserts, such as a large layered cake and ice cream, hence the title of the World. SteavenGamerYT's Guide to finding every green star and stamp in New Super Mario Bros. . U. Layer-Cake Desert-6 Blooming Lakitus. Dr. Next.